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10 Benefits of Garage Floor Coating

A garage is an important feature to have on your property. Its main purpose is to protect your cars from the elements and theft. However, it can have even more uses than that, depending on your preferences. To make your garage more useful, you should invest in updating its floors. In this blog, we discuss some benefits of getting a garage floor coating.

1. Fast Upgrade

Some home upgrades can take several weeks or even months to finish. However, when you invest in coating your garage floors, they can be ready in a few days. According to Family Handyman, an epoxy-finish floor needs 12 or more hours of cure time before foot traffic and 72 hours before vehicle traffic. Essentially, in less than three days, you can have a garage update that will give you several benefits that you may not have considered.

2. Protection

A garage floor is usually made of cement. While it’s natural to think that cement doesn’t need protection, you couldn’t be more wrong. Sure, cement is one of the hardest materials used on the Earth, which is why it’s often used for construction. However, completely cured cement can have pores that can trap bacteria and germs. Oil and other fluids may come out of your car and may seep into your concrete pores and leave stains. When you use garage floor coating, you can cover up those pores and protect your floor. As a result, your floor can be as sanitary as possible, especially when you do regular cleaning.

Concrete is a tough material that can develop cracks over time. If you don’t prevent or repair those cracks, they’ll continue to spread and will further damage the concrete. As a result, you may end up having to dig up your garage floor and reinstall it. Save yourself time and effort by protecting it with this sealant layer.

3. Easy Cleaning

Cleaning the garage has never been easier once you add a garage floor coating. These coatings are made with epoxy which is non-absorbant. You won’t have to worry about stains setting in when you clean them with various fluids. Maintenance can be as simple as using a broom or a mop. You can also use a handheld vacuum to quickly get up debris or dirt. However, a simple mopping will quickly remove any fluid, oils, or dirt on the surface. Thanks to this sealant, you don’t have to worry about extra scrubbing or things getting down into the pores.

4. Safety

Your garage flooring can provide safety on different levels. When you walk on this type of flooring, you’re safe from slips and falls that can be harmful. If you drive any vehicle, you understand the wear and tear that tires can often go through. However, when you drive into a garage that has an epoxy floor coating, your tires are now on a smooth surface that won’t damage them. Your garage is also less likely to trap dirt and dust from outside or from the concrete, so your home interior will be safer from pollution getting inside when you enter through the garage.

5. Aesthetics

One of the main benefits of using this type of flooring is how beautiful it looks. More homeowners are understanding that alternative spaces in homes such as garages can be beautified and finished in ways they may not have been a decade or more ago. With an epoxy floor, you can use your garage as a hangout space, a craft room, and more. Even if you just use your garage to park and store your cars, they’ll still be in a beautiful garage that looks professional.

6. Home Value

Since your home is your biggest asset, it’s important to take the necessary steps to maintain and increase its value. When you make upgrades to various parts of your home, whether it’s your garage, attic, or basement, you’re helping increase the value of these spaces by making them more livable. The more livable space you have in your home, the more it will be worth. The higher the value your home is, the higher your net worth will be, which is something to keep in mind as you do estate planning or plan to sell your home.

7. Sale

As mentioned, more homeowners are looking for more livable spaces in their homes. At the very least, they’re looking to buy a home that has a space they can eventually convert. However, if you have already taken a step to finish your garage floor, that’s one less thing a potential homeowner would have to worry about. If a buyer is debating which home to buy, and your home has the finished garage when others don’t, you may make the choice easier for the homebuyer.

8. Uniformity

Your garage no longer has to be a standalone building from the rest of your home. When you design your home, it’s easier than ever to consider how your garage will fit in with the overall aesthetics. Thanks to garage floor coating, you can have a beautiful floor coating that can extend into the home, creating a cohesive look between the garage and the main house.

9. Conversion

There’s so much you can do with your garage. When some people have a hobby, they often use their garage as a workspace in addition to a place to park their cars. With the holidays coming up, you may have more house guests staying over for a few days or even a few weeks. If you have family coming from out of town and you want to give them some privacy, you may want to temporarily or permanently convert part of your garage into a guest room. With some expert paintwork and quality flooring, your garage is free to be used as a workshop, office, or even an extra apartment.

10. Curb Appeal

There may be some days when you just want to chill out in your garage with the door open. When spring and summer come again, that’s a perfect time to enjoy your garage and hang out. With your beautiful garage floor coating, you can have confidence in showing off your garage floor to anyone who’s walking by. Don’t be surprised if your neighbors are impressed with your new floors and ask for local business recommendations.

As you can see, if you have a garage on your residential property, you have every reason to take the steps to protect it. Thanks to garage floor coating, you can ensure your concrete floors can remain even more durable than they normally are since you can repair and prevent future cracks from happening. You can assure the safety of anyone walking or driving on that garage floor since you’ll have a slip-resistant surface. Don’t be surprised if your property value also continues to grow after installation. Plus, you’re taking the steps to flawlessly incorporate your garage features and design into the main home for uniformity.

Now that you understand the value of garage floor sealant, what are you waiting for? Make sure you have the right contractor with the experience to properly lay down these floors. When you’re ready to have your garage floors coated, choose Pristine Painting & Coatings. Contact us today to learn more!

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